Case Studies

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Client: A multinational financial services firm, with a service portfolio that includes audit and assurance, tax and consultancy, and human resources,

Goal: wanted an automated solution for error-prone manual operations that didn’t need a significant and costly IT infrastructure upgrade.

For repeated, error-prone activities, we designed an RPA solution to minimise quality and risk management efforts.The customer has saved 37% each year, and the RPA bots have significantly improved accuracy and quality while lowering risk.


Our client, who offers audit, assurance, tax, and consultancy services, as well as human resources, required a creative approach to optimise processes and automate

error-prone manual activities without requiring a significant and costly upgrade to its IT infrastructure. To serve its enormous network in five countries, they turned to Fluidech for a technological solution.


We assembled a cross-functional team of IT and business stakeholders to identify critical operations to automate after creating a roadmap to business goals.

We assisted the customer in vetting the best robotic process automation (RPA) software providers. We separated a significant obstacle from its dependencies

by engaging with the client’s leadership and technical team. We collaborated to create an RPA system that would minimise quality and risk management requirements.

Accomplished: Fluidech eliminated the need for countless hours of human effort, and the savings are projected to grow in the next year. A single RPA bot may fulfil the work of one

or more employees, and quality and risk management efforts for repetitive jobs have been completely removed.


Client: When a wholesale building products retailer with multiple locations

Goal:They faced with a ransomware attack, they reached out to their trusted technology partner Fluidech which turned to to help their client face this security incident.

In addition, the customer has subsequently adopted additional tools and processes that fluidech advised to strengthen its policies and procedures, endpoint protection, vulnerability management, and other key areas of cybersecurity.



Fluidech was charged with determining how the ransomware infiltrated the system so that the customer could gain control and address any security holes. We immediately learned that the customer was relying on an out-of-date virus protection platform, a firewall, and other basic network security devices to keep themselves safe. However, because much of cybersecurity relies on the human element—employee knowledge and training, security experience, and rigorous security assessments—no combination of tools was adequately safeguarding them.



Fluidech was able to assist us in determining where the intrusion began, both with the first and second attacks, and provided a detailed report and insight into how it all transpired.

Rather than reacting to incoming threats, the customer now has access to a comprehensive team with the required knowledge and resources to oversee its cybersecurity strategy.


Client: The Customer is a multi-business organisation that operates in a variety of industries, including tourism, hospitality, and restaurants. They had an IT infrastructure of over 50 servers with a variety of interconnected systems such as a travel website, CRM, a data warehouse,and others that were well maintained and met their business objectives.

They received effective management of their IT infrastructure and profited from the high availability of the IT infrastructure thanks to the DevOps methods that Fluidech presented and implemented. As a consequence of Fluidech’s DevOps engineers’ efforts, the Customer was able to improve the online business on a regular basis.


The number of the Customer’s clients was rapidly increasing together with their needs, so the Customer needed to frequently update their applications to keep their clients satisfied. To meet these and other business needs, the Customer needed their IT infrastructure properly managed, regularly enhanced without critical operational errors and system failures, and continuously monitored to make sure their web services were highly available.


Fluidech deployed a team of DevOps practitioners with system administration skills to handle the Customer’s infrastructure management duties as well as software development. We sought to substantially accelerate the delivery of new software features, repairs, and updates in accordance with the Customer’s business objectives by merging the efforts of development (Dev) and operations (Ops) professionals. The Customer’s IT architecture had three essential components that were all interconnected: a travel website, CRM, and data warehouse.

Accomplished: Fluidechs DevOps practitioners developed the continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipeline to manage the Customer’s website.


Cient: A leading alternate asset manage focused on India and south east asian markets with over USD 3 Bn under management in private equity and real estate funds. 

Goal: Customer was looking at hosting their web application securely on cloud with all compliances taken care of.

Fluidech designed the setup on AWS cloud to be secure and also implemented to meet compliance requirements of India and Singapore regulatories. Thus customer achieved scalability, and also cutting total cost of ownership, slashing migration expenses by 30%



Due to deficiencies in the security profile of the underlying infrastructure of their previous data centre service provider, the setup was running on a single point of failure with no redundancy. These were reported as severe gaps from internal audits with potential of abreach. The hosting infrastructure provider could only fix this with significant cost with no guarantee of timely delivery to meet compliance.



Fluidech offered a cost-effective AWS Cloud solution based on EC2 and S3, with effective solution architecture for archiving data from S3 to AWS Glacier that is both automatic and scalable. 

Accomplished: The solution, when combined with Fluidech’s on-Demand and secured managed services, provided a compelling value proposition to the customer, encouraged him to begin his cloud journey right away.


Client: a technological product and services firm headquartered in the United States

Goal: a high-availability,low-cost hosting solution for numerous applications and platforms.

Fluidech migrated all business applications and databases from a Goa-based 3rd party data center to AWS cloud remotely bringing in 22% cost efficiency on a similar setup , yet highly available



The firm had issues with documentation maintenance and data redundancy for their on-premise data center, as well as low scalability of applications while accessing various geo-locations. Customer faced issues regarding platform compatibility due to very tightly coupled applications with complex solution architecture. These resulted in affecting the company’s capability to respond to customer transactions during peak hours.


We migrated the company’s existing data center apps and databases to the AWS Cloud, where they now operate on Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud. We have created a completely automated deployment platform that makes it simple for developers to migrate their apps. It’s easy to start, stop, and manage containers using the highly scalable and fast container management service.

All data and applications have been integrated and function smoothly in the cloud services environment, which is both safe and efficient.

Accomplished: Overall performance and efficiency have improved and tasks have been automated


Client: a large central government department was in the early stages of implementing a cloud-first policy across the organisation

Goal: looking for a secure cloud solution that could become an enterprise-wide, scalable solution for departments and IT infrastructure while meeting security standards for their cloud-first policy.

Fluidech leveraged cloud to host their applications on a secure infrastructure with built in compliances. Cloud helped build reliable disaster recovery with secure data replication. Yet, costs were cut by 38% over 8 months compared to previous setups


  • Secure infrastructure for a small application setup without high Capex on security solutions at the infrastructure level
  • Need of several regulatory compliances at all levels
  • Reliable, agile, and cost-effective disaster recovery setup


  • Setup re-architected for the cloud in a cost-effective and high-performance architecture using the department’s strict and tight governance procedures.
  • Implemented in line with the well-architected framework and on best
  • practices
  • Secured at design and implementation
  • Ensured that managed services were kept up to date in order to meet service
  • level agreements and for disaster recovery.

Accomplished: Costs were cut by 38% over 8 months compared to previous setups


Client : A Delhi based printing press & design company 

Goal: They needed to optimize their network and secure design data from designers’ workstations (endpoints)

Fluidech enabled them to secure their data, fix vulnerabilities, and implement controls to mitigate their risks through customized solutions.


Manufacturers are particularly appealing targets due to their difficulty to secure old systems, valuable proprietary information, and consumer data, all of which are tied to contemporary apps and even third-party systems. The firm wanted to learn about the threats they’ll confront, develop a cybersecurity strategy to safeguard the business data and prevent regulatory exposure.


We conducted an evaluation that identified important assets and vulnerabilities, gave insight into the company’s needs and preferences in terms of data use, and helped them reach a conclusion on their overall risk tolerance. We thus implemented a comprehensive solution across all systems and built intelligence to protect data from breaches.

Accomplished: Data protection and security.


Client: A well-known healthcare insurance company that is subject to HIPAA laws and must guarantee that personal health information is protected with adequate physical and electronic protections.

Goal: A security solution platform to improve organisations cybersecurity health by introducing the solution to its affiliates.

 We offered the security platform to educate stakeholders in the human resources    and legal departments about current threats and hazards, allowing for cross-departmental initiatives to increase organisational awareness.


The firm struggled to conduct a streamlined investigation of possible hazards and cybersecurity procedures at all of its affiliates.

As a result, affiliate integrations were inefficient. It was difficult to both onboard new affiliates and assist them in meeting the needed standards and best practises.


Firm uses our Security Solution to ensure the security of its clients’ data by providing clients with security score evaluations or revealing these results throughout the RFP process. And also offer further independent verification of the cybersecurity procedures of the firm and its vendors demonstrating the efficacy of the company’s continuous monitoring programme

Accomplished: Secured organisations cybersecurity health


Client: Our customer is a prominent retail and wholesale company with a global presence and more than 10 lakh workers.

Goal: Struggling with an ever-increasing number of procedures and insufficient people to execute them manually, the store had to rethink how its whole business functioned, way down to the core.

 Fluidech’s methodology enabled them to find the optimum automation solutions for each operation that was chosen.Our RPA solution ensured complete process accuracy.RPA will continue to generate efficiency improvements and free up humans for mission-critical activities for the store.


In its many outlets, the client was having difficulties with the “Back office retail file report.” All of the data from hundreds of businesses that closed the day before were utilised to verify the closure information for each cash register by store managers. 

A separate sort of operation was associated with “Tax Invoices,” which required the merchant to crawl through each vendor’s website quarterly to get invoices. These operations were time-consuming and error-prone, preventing staff from being completely productive and making an impact on more customer-centric activities.


The report for each shop is now maintained on its own dedicated unique FTP server for the “Back office retail file report.” Our automation solution subsequently receives the input from the interface and collects all of the data.

It then connects to each FTP site and gets the file, before compiling all of the reports and saving them to a shared storage.

The procedure was restructured in the “Tax invoice” by using RPA Robots to automatically connect into a vendor’s website. Once logged in, the Robot reads the search filters you set up, interprets the content of documents on local drives, and merges them according to their preferences.

Accomplished: Ensured complete process accuracy and generated efficiency improvements