Case Studies

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AllAutomationCloud migrationCyber Security


Client: When a wholesale building products retailer with multiple locations

Goal:They faced with a ransomware attack, they reached out to their trusted technology partner Fluidech which turned to to help their client face this security incident.

In addition, the customer has subsequently adopted additional tools and processes that fluidech advised to strengthen its policies and procedures, endpoint protection, vulnerability management, and other key areas of cybersecurity.



Fluidech was charged with determining how the ransomware infiltrated the system so that the customer could gain control and address any security holes. We immediately learned that the customer was relying on an out-of-date virus protection platform, a firewall, and other basic network security devices to keep themselves safe. However, because much of cybersecurity relies on the human element—employee knowledge and training, security experience, and rigorous security assessments—no combination of tools was adequately safeguarding them.



Fluidech was able to assist us in determining where the intrusion began, both with the first and second attacks, and provided a detailed report and insight into how it all transpired.

Rather than reacting to incoming threats, the customer now has access to a comprehensive team with the required knowledge and resources to oversee its cybersecurity strategy.


Client : A Delhi based printing press & design company 

Goal: They needed to optimize their network and secure design data from designers’ workstations (endpoints)

Fluidech enabled them to secure their data, fix vulnerabilities, and implement controls to mitigate their risks through customized solutions.


Manufacturers are particularly appealing targets due to their difficulty to secure old systems, valuable proprietary information, and consumer data, all of which are tied to contemporary apps and even third-party systems. The firm wanted to learn about the threats they’ll confront, develop a cybersecurity strategy to safeguard the business data and prevent regulatory exposure.


We conducted an evaluation that identified important assets and vulnerabilities, gave insight into the company’s needs and preferences in terms of data use, and helped them reach a conclusion on their overall risk tolerance. We thus implemented a comprehensive solution across all systems and built intelligence to protect data from breaches.

Accomplished: Data protection and security.


Client: A well-known healthcare insurance company that is subject to HIPAA laws and must guarantee that personal health information is protected with adequate physical and electronic protections.

Goal: A security solution platform to improve organisations cybersecurity health by introducing the solution to its affiliates.

 We offered the security platform to educate stakeholders in the human resources    and legal departments about current threats and hazards, allowing for cross-departmental initiatives to increase organisational awareness.


The firm struggled to conduct a streamlined investigation of possible hazards and cybersecurity procedures at all of its affiliates.

As a result, affiliate integrations were inefficient. It was difficult to both onboard new affiliates and assist them in meeting the needed standards and best practises.


Firm uses our Security Solution to ensure the security of its clients’ data by providing clients with security score evaluations or revealing these results throughout the RFP process. And also offer further independent verification of the cybersecurity procedures of the firm and its vendors demonstrating the efficacy of the company’s continuous monitoring programme

Accomplished: Secured organisations cybersecurity health